Thursday, August 2, 2012

No Money for Flowers? No Problem.

Pink hydrangeas from my garden, crystal decanter and fresh fruit.

Why do I blog so sporadically?  Because life keeps happening and blog posts fall by the wayside.  Since my last post:
  • My oldest son has graduated from college with majors in English and Neuroscience! And he has a job! Yes!!!
  • My youngest has graduated from high school and is going to college!  Double yes!!!
There is lots of other stuff.  Good and bad.  But I'll save that for another day.

Let's talk flowers.  I LOVE fresh flowers and used to buy them weekly on my trip to the grocery store.  But no more.  With hubby out of work, money for fresh flowers is not in the budget.  So what do I do?  Use flowers from my garden.  In the photo above are Forever hydrangeas and below are Annabelle hydrangeas framed by elephant hosta, all cut from my gardens around the front and back of our house.

Hydrangeas and hosta from my garden.

By the way, this little end table is an antique from my mother's house.  I finally found a place for it.

Antique end table topped by hosta.
I also LOVE to garden, but didn't have time to fit it in last year between college visits.  This year I eased back into gardening by focusing on a few of my favorite plants, impatiens, trailing bacopa and sweet potato vines, in a single color, white

This cherub is from my mother-in-law's house.  White impatiens are planted at its base.
Another view of the cherub under my pear tree.

Large terra cotta urn with trailing white bacopa.
I thought grass between the aggregate cement on my back patio might look nice.  I'm still working on it.
Grass growing between aggregate on the back patio.

Angel out my back kitchen door framed by impatiens.
Until next time!
