- Take advantage of a trusty old Three-Ring Binder! Let the kids decorate the front, punch some holes in their artwork and file away! Each child can have their own special color.
- Re-use pizza boxes! That's right, a clean pizza box covered in shelf paper is the perfect storage box. Flat and square, they stack easily and fit on most closet shelves, under beds and out of the way!

Photo Courtesy of Family Fun
- Display new creations by attaching string to a yardstick for an impromptu mobile. Using binder clips purchased at an office supply store, you can switch out old creations with new ones on a weekly basis!
- Scan artwork into your computer and use as your screen saver or digital wallpaper!
- Purchase inexpensive wooden picture frames and paint them all one color. Frame your little Picasso's drawings and group them together to make a stunning and eye-catching display in their bedroom or in your entryway!
- One of our favorite ways to display artwork is by attaching a clothesline and clipping art to the line to display a gallery of work. You can also use magnetic strips like the one pictured above, attach a self-adhesive magnet to the art and display!

Photo Courtesy of Family Fun
- What to do about on-going projects? We purchased simple wall-mount mailboxes from the local Home & Garden Supply store and painted them to match our walls. By using alphabet magnets to spell out the kids name we created the perfect spot to store drawings that didn't get finished that day and need to be finished. After all, some art is an on-going work in progress!
What a great resource!